Numly's Vouchor service consists of an international community of vouchors rather than a governmental agency charged with verifying web user identities. Anyone can become a vouchor - either by mailing your paperwork to Numly or by being vouched by someone who has already been vouched. Vouchors can review your paperwork in person and verify your identity online. Once you are vouched online, you automatically become a vouchor.
Becoming a vouchor is simple. In fact, it only requires 3 steps:
* Sign Up as a Vouchee by registering online at
* Search for a Vouchor in your area and contact them to schedule your vouch. (Don't forget to bring your paperwork to the meeting.)
* Upon successfully verifying your identity, the Vouchor will sign into and vouch for your identity. (As soon as this step happens, you become a vouchor!)
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