Sunday, September 19, 2010

WordPress Numly Number Plugin Available!

Used by over 12% of the 1,000,000 biggest websites, WordPress is the most popular CMS blogging system in use today.

Thanks to Scott Grayban, the Numly Number Wordpress plugin is now working again! You can automatically submit your WordPress blog posts to Numly in exchange for a barcoded Numly Number that gets added to your page.

Here’s the link to the new plugin –

Scott has made the installation easier than the original plugin! There is no INSTALL file anymore as Wordpress handles the installation from within the plugin page. Instructions exist but are only for manual installs that are new and upgrading is done via WordPress from then on.

Publishing your content and simultaneously recording your proof-of-copyright is only possible with this WordPress Numly Number plugin. Download your copy of the plugin today for free and signup for Numly via PayPal today for Professional copyrighting and license management services.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Docly 2.0 Launches!

Numly is proud to release Docly 2.0! It's a new and improved story telling social network for writers! Check it out. You can write your poems, novels, short stories, articles, etc. Share them with your friends and "fans". Find and follow your favorite authors and share comments with them on their latest works.

We will be adding the ability to publish articles and automatically assign Numly Number copyrights with a single click soon. Stay tuned and let us know what you think by sending us email at docly [at]

Numly 2.0 Launched

After being in business for 4 years, Numly, inc. has reinvested in our Copyright 2.0 technology to launch a new Numly 2.0 site based on improved digital fingerprinting technology and web service APIs. We have finally migrated from Microsoft technology to the latest Ruby on Rails technology that positions us to innovate quicker going forward!

All of the user accounts, numly numbers, and digital fingerprints have been migrated to our new platform with backwards compatibility preserved. The pricing has also been modified as we are no longer offering free Amateur Numly accounts. Prices now start at $9.95 per month for unlimited Numly Numbers and file upload sizes or $99.95 per year (15% savings) if you pay annually. Existing Professional accounts will be grandfathered in at $59.95. It pays to be an early adopter!

Stay tuned... We will be adding more functionality to the site over the next couple of weeks!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Site UI Improvements

You may have noticed that the Numly site may look a little cleaner that normal. We've been brushing up on our CSS skills and made a few long needed corrections to the UI (both on the public site and in the portal).

Docly also received a redesign taking its layout back to the original launch design.

We have a revived interest in making the site more usable. Thanks for your patience over the years and now as more changes continue to be rolled out.