Monday, February 27, 2006

ESBN Adds Web 2.0 RSS Feeds

ESBN.ORG, the Electronic Standard Book/Blog Numbering authority, adds new Web 2.0 RSS feeds to its ESBN generation services! You can now subscribe to all ESBN registered content feeds via or by going to the ESBN.ORG home page. Once on the home page you can also activate the live bookmark feed services.

The ESBN.ORG home page now displays the 5 most recent ESBN ID generations for published content. You can subscribe to any of these authors' public content by clicking on their RSS image or by going directly to the author's rss feed at For instance my personal ESBN RSS feed can be accessed at

If RSS feeds aren't your thing, you can still access a list your favorite author's public content works by directing your browser to or in my case will display a dynamic web page of all of my public ESBN IDs and content.

esbn ESBN 73306-060227-650200-43 Rate content:

tags technorati :

Saturday, February 25, 2006

ESBN Adds Web 2.0 Content Rating

ESBN.ORG, the Electronic Standard Book/Blog Numbering authority, adds new web 2.0 content rating feature to ESBN ID barcode tag. This feature allows authors to get real-time rating feedback from their blog and e-book readers directly from the article without having to solicit other services.

There have been a swarm of new Web 2.0 features added to ESBN.ORG in the past two weeks. Features include:

- Blog and E-Book reader view counters for every time an author's content is read
- Content sharing like Delicious authors can direct readers to
- ESBN verification by directing readers to

Electronic Standard Book Number (ESBN) is the unique identifier of electronic content and media. ESBNs are recognized worldwide by electronic publishing companies and electronic content providers. ESBNs are simple and quick to generate and serve as branded identifier or copyright for individuals or companies developing electronic content and media.

esbn ESBN 42287-060225-340004-12 Rate content:

tags technorati :

Friday, February 24, 2006

ESBN.ORG Founder Interviewed

Chris Matthieu, the founder of ESBN.ORG, was interviewed on today's edition of The Geekinator's podcast. The MP3 can be accessed by directing your browser to the following URL:

ESBN.ORG is a Web 2.0 copyright company that allows authors to assign ESBNs (Electronic Standard Book Numbers) to blogs, podcasts, e-books, music, images, websites, source code, etc. - basically any digital asset. An ESBN is the unique identifier of electronic content and media (See ESBN ID below - the link includes verification and tracking services). ESBNs are simple and quick to generate and serve as a branded identifier or copyright for individuals or companies developing electronic content and media. Some people are even suggesting that ESBN.ORG is the next generation, online ISBN and solution.

Join the (R)evolution and Tag your (C)opyright! They're FREE and offer authors/publishers a nonrepudiation resource to protect their content!

esbn ESBN 32041-060224-237541-20

tags technorati :

ESBN Adds Web 2.0 Verification Shortcut Feature

Accessing the ESBN.ORG verification page just got simplier! No more URLs to remember. Simply direct your browsers to

For most online content, you can click on the ESBN ID in someone's blog to be automatically directed to the ESBN verification page. Reasons an ESBN ID may not contain a verificationlink include: older ESBN IDs did not provide the verfication link, sometimes bloggers remove the link, or you may be looking at an offline digital asset like an e-book.

Here is an example of how to verify the ESBN ID on this blog:

Thanks to Michael Clark for his suggestion!

esbn ESBN 44806-060224-365196-15

tags technorati :

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Use ESBNs as Biblio References

Do you ever reference other works such as blogs or wikis or websites in your works? Most of us do from time to time.

Copyright law requires that you cite references in your works derived from other's works. These references are typically accomplished in the bibliography in printed works. What about digital or online works? How do you reference online works? You can't use a URL - these change too frequently.

This is where ESBN IDs can help! Simply add the referenced work's ESBN ID to your article or content immediately following the quotation. There isn't a standard format for this yet but you can try "Reference ESBN xxxx..." where the ESBN ID is the referenced work. To Even do a bigger favor to the original author, you could add the verification link around their ID so that other readers can easily click the referenced ESBN ID and link back to the ESBN.ORG verification page.

esbn ESBN 35405-060223-271187-60

Monday, February 20, 2006

Share Your ESBN Content Page!

You can now reference or share your public ESBN content and registered ESBN IDs by simply directing your browser to ESBN.ORG/Username. (Username is obviously your ESBN.ORG account username.) Rest assured that your content marked as private will not be displayed in your list.

This is a common Web 2.0 feature offering as provided by, frappr, and others and is now provided ESBN.ORG!

esbn ESBN 58066-060220-497795-28

Sunday, February 19, 2006

ESBN.ORG Makes Dion Hinchcliffe's List!

ESBN.ORG makes Dion Hinchcliffe's List: The Most Promising Web 2.0 Software of 2006! Dion Hinchcliffe is one of the leading contributors and analysts of the Web 2.0 Workgroup.

Mr. Hinchcliffe calls ESBN.ORG, "Extremely slick and getting lots of attention."

You can check out Dion Hinchcliffe's list by directing your browser to

Other Web 2.0 companies that made Mr. Hinchcliffe's list include: Zoho Planner, Google Desktop Search, PodBop, PageFlakes, and Campfire from 37signals.

esbn ESBN 25748-060219-174614-96

Barcode Your Blog!

Due to an overwhelming feature request, ESBN.ORG has added barcodes to their ESBN identifier. Now when you generate your ESBN IDs through the ESBN portal, Firefox Extension, and Apple OSX Widget, ESBN.ORG generates the ESBN ID, view tracking logo, and a dynamic barcode containing the ESBN ID. The HTML text is provided as for the requester to copy and paste into their blog. See reference below:

esbn ESBN 56200-060219-479134-26

Saturday, February 18, 2006

You Give DRM A Bad Name.

Evil companies have given DRM a bad rap. Sony introduced us to rootkits which prevent us from ripping purchased CDs to play on our MP3 players. Apple iTunes won’t allow you to listen to your purchased music on any just computer. Encrypted and hidden files prevent us from making backup copies of our purchased DVDs.

DRM (Digital Rights Management) in its simplest form is good. Being able to assign all-inclusive use licenses to digital assets grants consumers the freedom to use purchased media and content the way they wish (within reason) without the fear of repercussions.

ESBN.ORG has developed a 19 digit unique identifier called an ESBN (Electronic Standard Book Number). This next generation ISBN-like unique identifier allows authors, publishers, and artists to generate a unique identifier for their digital asset - not just per title but per distributed copy of their digital asset. The ESBN is assigned to a person or company for fair use. This license can be tracked by the ESBN ID and even reassigned to someone else at a later time.

Imagine being able to legally sell or trade digital assets (such as music, e-books, or art) that you have purchased! You can do this with books, DVDs or CDs in the offline world. Why shouldn’t you be able to do the same in the online world? ESBN.ORG’s online numbering system may be the simple answer to this complicated problem. Good companies can restore DRM’s reputation.

esbn ESBN 67937-060218-596504-38

Friday, February 17, 2006

New Firefox Extension Released

Version 0.3.1 of the ESBN Firefox extension was released today. This version supports the current release of Firefox and includes additional shortcuts to retrieving near instantaneous ESBN IDs and it includes enhanced javascript validation.

Download your free copy today from Mozilla Firefox at:

esbn ESBN 16634-060217-834730-87

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Blog View Metrics Added to ESBN Portal

We have been receiving tons of positive feedback on our latest metrics feature. As you may recall, the views metric was originally implemented in the verification page. In an effort to make this feature even more useful, we have added the blog view metrics to the Manage ESBNs link within the ESBN portal at ESBN.ORG. Now you can quickly glance at all of your registered ESBNs and easily see which blog is most popular!

Keep the feedback for new features coming in via our contact form

esbn ESBN 56198-060216-479118-26

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

ESBN on C/NET's Buzz Out Loud Podcast!

A special thanks to Tom Merritt and Veronica Belmont from C/NET's Buzz Out Loud podcast for a great explanation of the ESBN.ORG service! I listen to your show every day and I think that I am addicted!

I would like to add one clarification your report. Unlike ISSNs, ESBNs can be used for blog postings and they can track the number of views your blog experiences. ISSNs are only 10 digit numbers and can only be used for periodicals not blogs or websites or other digital media or documents. Great show! Keep up the good work!

The podcast can be found at:

esbn ESBN 13829-060214-554280-84

Sunday, February 12, 2006

ESBN on Wikipedia!

ESBNs now exist on! The wiki entry discusses the differences between ESBNs and ISBNs/ISSNs. Both the ISBN and ISSN entries also now have references and links back to the ESBN entry.

Check it out the wiki at

Join the (R)evolution! Register for your ESBN.ORG account today!

esbn ESBN 33827-060212-255409-40

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Track Blog Views with ESBNs!

Attention Bloggers:

You can now track the number of times your blog entry has been read by simply generating an ESBN ID and adding the ESBN verification link to your blog entry. You will now see a small 16x16 pixel ESBN icon in front of your ESBN number. Simply click on the verification link and the number of blog views will appear from our databases!

esbn ESBN 65347-060211-570610-36

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

ESBNs - Plagiarism Protectors

I would like to thank Jonathan Bailey for a well written article on ESBNs and their use in the fight against plagiarism. The article can be found at

Both ESBNs and were featured on podcast 41 of TWIT very favorably ( Leo Laporte recognizes the value of ESBNs as a global media identifier and will begin tagging all of his podcasts with ESBN IDs. John C. Dvorak made a comment about plagiarism and whether or not it was a big deal any where other than in schools. I have been told by several Web 2.0 Workgroup authors that they deal with plagiarism concerns frequently on their syndicated blogs. No one wants to see someone else taking credit for their work. Jonathan points out that ESBNs are a simple way to register your content works and receive a unique and timestamped identifier that provides peace of mind and a nonrepudiation factor in securing your intellectual property.

Another ESBN featured podcast was released yesterday by the Chief Security Monkey ( Chief Monkey is the very entertaining Security Investigator columnist for ITToolBox. The Chief discusses the importance of ESBNs in the fight against plagiarism and points out that the Verify ESBN link can be used to check the authenticity of someone’s blog. It’s similar to the SSL certificate verification window that anyone with a web browser to view to verify a security certificate.

While plagiarism will not go away, ESBNs prove to be a useful tool in this fight. I would like to thank Leo Laporte, Jonathan Bailey, and Chief Monkey for their articles/podcasts and for raising the awareness of plagiarism. Keep up the good work!


Sunday, February 05, 2006

New ESBN Privacy Flag Added

A new privacy flag has been added to the ESBN portal. Now when you generate ESBN IDs from within the ESBN portal, you can flag your submission as private. This will make the contents of your ESBN filing confidential to the ESBN search and verify features.

This functionality will be added to the Firefox extension and the new Mac OSX widget in their next releases.

Tag Your Assets!

ESBN Mac OSX Widget Released!

If you are an Mac user and a Blogger/Podcaster, this announcement is for you! Our new ESBN ID Generator widget has been submitted to Apple for review. You can download a sneak-preview of our Mac OSX dashboard widget from

This widget will allow you to quickly and easily generate ESBN IDs directly from your dashboard. Logging your copyright to our database and including an ESBN reference ID in your blog now only takes seconds. Tag your digital assets and protect your content today. ESBNs are great for syndicated blogs, podcasts, images, etc!

For more information on ESBNs, please direct your browser to http://

ESBN.ORG – Web 2.0 Copyright and DRM Services
Tag Your Assets.

Q: What can I tag with ESBNs? A: Everything Digital!

ESBN.ORG in the Press!

ESBN.ORG was featured on TWIT's 41st podcast! Listen to it today at TWIT.TV.

ESBN.ORG write-up on Plagiarism Today.

Friday, February 03, 2006

Reassigning ESBN Licensees

Did you know that you can assign and transfer your copyright use permissions to and from various licensees?

This is one of the beauties of having a unique ESBN ID assigned to each digital asset! Simply sign into your ESBN account and go to Manage ESBNs, click on Update Licensee, enter a new name and email address, and voila ESBN privileges are transferred!

This feature is the base of open digital rights management. In a time where DRM is way out of control, it really should be this simple. Who owns the copyright and the use of the digital asset? Anyone can verify these fields by signing into the ESBN portal and searching on the published ESBN ID or by clicking on the ESBN ID.

ESBN 14708-060203-642170-85