Thursday, March 30, 2006

Numly Now Offers Creative Commons Copyrights

Numly, formerly ESBN.ORG, has extended its All Rights Reserved copyright registration services to now include Creative Commons' Some Rights Reserved licenses!

This service is currently only available via the Numly web portal. It allows authors and artists to select their desired copyright license type to be assigned to their works in real-time. The author or artist's digital asset is registered in Numly's systems along with the date and time stamp of their submission. Numly returns a unique identifier called a Numly Number along with the HTML code required to post the Numly Number, Numly verification link, and Creative Commons license and logo in your content. The entire process takes less than 1 minute to complete!

Authors, artists, and even publishers can also generate unique Numly Numbers and copyright license types for each copy of work assigned to an individual or company. This copy of work and copyright can then be tracked and even later reassigned. We call this Good DRM.

esbn 89742-060330-814552-60 Rate content:

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 License.

Numly Addresses Time Zones

Numly, formerly ESBN.ORG, has modified its systems to report Numly Number registrations on Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) time rather than Pacific Standard Time (PST), where our servers are located. This change will allow us to provide a better service to our international customers as well as US customers by standardizing on a universal time zone.

To learn more about UTC, please direct your browser to this explanation from the US Naval Observatory.

I would like to thank James Collins for this suggestion!

esbn 70636-060330-623497-41 Rate content:

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Monday, March 27, 2006

Numly Adds Digital Fingerprinting to Copyrights

Numly has added digital asset fingerprinting to its copyrighting services and extended its 256KB upload file limit to 5MB per file. This enhancement allows authors and artists to upload larger digital assets to our services for copyright proof and verification services backed by our Numly Number registration.

Rather than retaining the uploaded file on our servers, we now apply a digital fingerprint in our databases linked to the Numly Number provided at the time of your content registration. Future disputes can validate the document in question by re-uploading it along with the Numly Number (ESN) assigned at the time of registration and we will return a positive or negative validation result based on the authentication of the document.

Numly views this enhancement as a very important step in the future of copyrighting digital media including: audio, video, images, ebooks, and other digital assets.

Note: We are experimenting with the upload file size and may allow for much larger uploads file sizes in the near future. We will also need to apply this update to our Firefox extension and Apple OSX widget.

esbn 22983-060327-146965-93 Rate content:

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Numly Extends Blogging Metrics

Numly, formerly ESBN.ORG, enhances its dashboard metric reporting. Numly has always offered viewership counts of your blogs or other online digital assets but now Numly tracks more metrics including: date and time of each view and the IP address of the viewer.

Numly's dashboard now reports top 5 most viewed blogs ever and the top 5 most viewed blogs in past 24 hours, 7 days, and 30 days. Numly's dashboard also reports top 5 thumbs up ratings and top 5 thumbs down ratings if you are using our rating system.

Future enhancements on the list of metrics reporting include geo-ip tracking and Google Maps integration!

tags technorati :

esbn 27600-060326-193138-98 Rate content:

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Numly Releases New Apple OSX Widget

Numly, formerly ESBN.ORG, has released an updated version of its Numly Number copyright assignment tool for Apple OSX. The new widget can be downloaded by directing your browser to the following URL:

Updated features include:

1) Ability to mark content as private
2) Optional inclusion of barcode
3) Optional inclusion of rating system

tags technorati :

esbn 17233-060321-894700-87

Monday, March 20, 2006

Numly Now Supports Tags

In addition to providing proof-of-copyright and DRM, Numly now saves blog tags within your submitted posts. Simply include your tags in your copyright content and we will parse and save them to our databases for future tag searches.

Tags should look something like:
<a href="" rel="tag">web2.0</a>

Submit the HTML version of your content to our site and your content will be organized for future tag searching capabilities no matter where your post was published.

tags technorati :

esbn 31662-060320-233757-20

Friday, March 17, 2006

Numly Incorporates!

Numly, formerly ESBN.ORG, files for corporate status this week.

A niche exists for Electronic Serial Number or Numly Number assignment of digital content and media. These unique identifiers provide digital rights management capabilities as well as third-party, non-repudiation measures for copyright proof via real-time verifications. Numly Numbers are simple and quick to generate and can also allow you to track content viewership, monitor ratings, and can be used as permalinks.

tags technorati :

esbn 37134-060317-288475-70

Wednesday, March 08, 2006


After receiving a letter from ISBN citing possible trademark infringement claims, ESBN.ORG has changed its name to

I am a big believer in saying, "things happen for a reason." The name Numly better aligns our focus of an online Number System in the Web 2.0 space.

If you have already registered your content under ESBN.ORG, your content and assigned numbers are still valid. Our use of ESBN terminology has now shifted to ESNs (Electronic Serial Numbers) or Numly Numbers.

Numly Numbers will continue to be used for digital asset registrations, copyright nonrepudiation, and basic digital rights management. Your continued support is greatly appreciated.

Disclaimer: ESBN.ORG has no affiliation with ISBN or ISBN.ORG whatsoever.

esbn 22063-060308-137764-92 Rate content:

Monday, March 06, 2006

ESBN WordPress Plugin Now Available!

Attention WordPress Bloggers: Generating ESBN IDs for your blogs just got amazingly simple! You can now have WordPress dynamically update ESBN.ORG's copyright databases and embed the ESBN ID assigned to your published content directly to your blog with no additional steps. Even the permalink blog URL is added to our databases allowing you to effectively use our new permalink feature!

Electronic Standard Book Number (ESBN) is the unique identifier of electronic content and media assigned by ESBN.ORG. ESBNs are recognized worldwide by electronic publishing companies and electronic content providers. ESBNs are simple and quick to generate and serve as branded identifier or copyright for individuals or companies developing electronic content and media.

For more information and to download your copy of the new ESBN WordPress Plugin, please direct your browser to:

esbn ESBN 48534-060306-402474-19

Friday, March 03, 2006

ESBN.ORG Permalink Feature Added

ESBN content IDs can now be used as permalink solutions. URLs change but ESBN IDs do not. Each ESBN ID includes a reference URL in the meta data that can be updated to reflect changing URLs.

To reference your content as a permalink, regardless what your URL may be in the future, simply link to your ESBN ID as illustrated by the following URL: - substitute the esbnid with your own ESBN ID such as:

A special thanks goes out to Michael Clark for this suggestion! Join the (R)evolution and Tag your (C)opyright!

esbn ESBN 17713-060303-942610-88

tags technorati :

ESBN.ORG on Mashable

Pete Cashmore, a well-known Web 2.0 consultant and the author and editor of, has written a very complimentary blog on ESBN.ORG entitled ESBN The Answer to the Microchunking Problem/.

Pete covers ESBN.ORG's role in the fight against "blog piracy, sploggers, and getting attibution for your work." He goes on discuss other roles in microchunking , DRM, and the tracking of content.

Pete has many great ideas on syndication and feed services and has an unbelievably accurate pulse on the Web 2.0 space.

esbn ESBN 84786-060303-764992-55

tags technorati :