Friday, February 24, 2006

ESBN.ORG Founder Interviewed

Chris Matthieu, the founder of ESBN.ORG, was interviewed on today's edition of The Geekinator's podcast. The MP3 can be accessed by directing your browser to the following URL:

ESBN.ORG is a Web 2.0 copyright company that allows authors to assign ESBNs (Electronic Standard Book Numbers) to blogs, podcasts, e-books, music, images, websites, source code, etc. - basically any digital asset. An ESBN is the unique identifier of electronic content and media (See ESBN ID below - the link includes verification and tracking services). ESBNs are simple and quick to generate and serve as a branded identifier or copyright for individuals or companies developing electronic content and media. Some people are even suggesting that ESBN.ORG is the next generation, online ISBN and solution.

Join the (R)evolution and Tag your (C)opyright! They're FREE and offer authors/publishers a nonrepudiation resource to protect their content!

esbn ESBN 32041-060224-237541-20

tags technorati :