Sunday, February 05, 2006

ESBN Mac OSX Widget Released!

If you are an Mac user and a Blogger/Podcaster, this announcement is for you! Our new ESBN ID Generator widget has been submitted to Apple for review. You can download a sneak-preview of our Mac OSX dashboard widget from

This widget will allow you to quickly and easily generate ESBN IDs directly from your dashboard. Logging your copyright to our database and including an ESBN reference ID in your blog now only takes seconds. Tag your digital assets and protect your content today. ESBNs are great for syndicated blogs, podcasts, images, etc!

For more information on ESBNs, please direct your browser to http://

ESBN.ORG – Web 2.0 Copyright and DRM Services
Tag Your Assets.

Q: What can I tag with ESBNs? A: Everything Digital!