Wednesday, September 13, 2006

DRM *IS NOT* Digital Restriction Management

Numly, the Web 2.0 copyright service, assigns Numly Numbers to original digital content for authors and artists to establish copyrights. You probably knew this but did you know that Numly Numbers can be used as DRM?

DRM stands for Digital Rights Management although with all of the bad press around DRM these days most people probably believe that DRM is short for Digital Restriction Management.

In addition to assigning Numly Numbers to original digital works, Numly Numbers can be assigned for each copy of digital work sold, downloaded, or distributed. Each new Numly Number can reference the parent Numly Number assigned to the original work and it can retain new meta data such as the licensee's name and email address, copyright assigned to the licensee, which can be different than the parent copyright, and the timestamp of the Numly Number assignment.

This is DRM in its simplest form as it was originally intended with no restrictions. With Numly, copyright holders can assign and track rights to their works without jeopardizing the quality of their media or restricting consumers' rights.

numly esn 15886-060913-759970-86 Rate content:

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