Saturday, April 22, 2006

Link Rel=Copyright Tag

Did you know that there is a copyright tag in the HTML? The Link tag can be used to establish copyright as well as stylesheet and RSS feed usage. The link tag resides inside the head tags of the page and its usage is:

<link rel="copyright" title="Copyright Lincese" href="...url..." >

To exploit the full power of this tag, you can use the Numly verification link as the URL of your copyright license in the href attribute. Below is an example of how uses the link copyright tag in its website:

<LINK REL="COPYRIGHT" TITLE="Copyright License" HREF="" >

As you can imagine, the website has its copyright registered with Numly and was assigned 27200-060121-189140-97 for its Numly Number. Numly has a free verification service that allows you to verify the work and its author and its copyright license by simply including the following link: where esn is your registered Numly Number.

Numly supports the following licenses:

All Rights Reserved
Creative Commons - Attribution 2.5
Creative Commons - Attribution-NonCommercial 2.5
Creative Commons - Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5
Creative Commons - Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5
Creative Commons - Attribution-NoDerivs 2.5
Creative Commons - Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5
Creative Commons - Public Domain

If you are not already using Numly to protect your digital content copyrights, sign-up for your free account today!

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