Saturday, April 21, 2007

Professional Authors Use Numly

Many authors either copyright one chapter at a time or versions of their work on a daily or weekly basis. Each registration will generate a new Numly Number and time stamp for tracking purposes. Some authors wait till the end and copyright the entire book at once. Publishing houses like to register each sale of their book with a Numly Number to track licensing information for the consumer.

There are two ways to register your works with Numly. One is the copy and paste method and one is an actual upload with digital fingerprinting of your works with orphan works protection. The copy and paste method has a poorly worded label that says blog but it really means any text (up to 5,000 characters for Amateur accounts - or unlimited text for Professional accounts). The second method of uploading text is only available to Professional authors.

Amateur accounts also only have a maximum of 3 free Numly Number registrations per month where as Professional accounts support 100 Numly Numbers per month. For more information on upgrading to a professional account, please click on the following link:

For $4.95 per month the upgrade is a great value!

numly esn 67240-070421-589531-37

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