Vouchor, Numly's Identity 2.0 service, was recently enhanced to support Reputation 2.0 functionality! Reputation 2.0 features now include:
- Tagging
- Rating
- Reviews/Comments
Now Vouchors can add tags to their profile that better represent their identity. These tags can be searched by members and non-members via a tagcloud. Vouchors can be contacted via email through vouchor.com without the searcher needing to know their email address.
Another important feature to Vouchor's new Reputation 2.0 solution is the ability for other Vouchors to rate and review a Vouchor's reputation online. This reputation is transparent and will allow a Vouchor to build a real-world and open reputation online.
Vouchor.com is a community-based online identity verification service. Once an Internet user becomes vouched, the Vouchor API can be used to certify its members identity. This becomes important when the verification of an Internet identity is necessary to an individual rather than a user id or login. Vouchor aims to verify the identities of Internet users through face-to-face witnessing of government issued photo identification documents. Email addresses are also certified in the vouching process.
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