Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Numly on C/Net's Buzz Outloud Podcast!

Check out my voice mail to C/NET being played on the Buzz Out Loud podcast episode 10/09/2006 (23:20)

Show Page: http://reviews.cnet.com/4520-11455_7-6457370-1.html

Podcast: http://podcast-files.cnet.com/podcast/cnetbuzz_100906.mp3

Tom, Molly, and Veronica have been talking about an email from someone named Jonathan for several episodes now regarding a concept called "simple DRM". The proposal is for movie studios and record companies to create a unique serial number for every copy of digial movie or song sold. The serial number would link back to a database where the owner (licensee) of the digital work could be identified. The distributor would then either watermark or encrypt the digital asset with this number.

For those of you that register Numly Numbers on a regular basis realize that this is exactly what Numly does for individuals and companies alike. Since we were discussed on C/Net's podcast about 6 months ago, I couldn't sit idle any longer with this discussion underway. I called in and reminder the Buzz Crew and they remembered us. They also thought agreed that our simple DRM solution would solve the industry's problem if only the movie studios and record companies knew about us. Maybe someone hear their podcast and come to our rescue.

Join the (R)evolution and (C)opyright your works with (N)umly!

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