Monday, March 19, 2007

Numly Author of the Week Goes to...

This week's Numly Author of the Week goes to Chief Monkey! He has won the coveted Blog of of the Year award again at ITToolBox. He also has over 250 Numly Numbers assigned to his works to date. Check out some of his published works at

numly esn 57218-070319-489311-27

Monday, March 12, 2007

Rubyology Podcast

Numly's founder, Chris Matthieu, launched today. It's a website and podcast dedicated to helping web programmers become proficient in Ruby on Rails Web 2.0 software development. The site consists of its own blogging engine, itunes podcasting engine, and an event calendar.

As you know Numly has 2 sites today that have been developed using the Ruby on Rails language and framework - Vouchor and Sigly.

Check it out and let us know what you think!

numly esn 91892-070312-836052-62